Today I'm going to continue on my coding journey with more of the applied visual design courses on So far, I feel like I'm grasping these concepts pretty well, though I do find the shadow boxes a little confusing. I'm hoping with some more practice I'll get better at them.
The first course of the day is Applied Visual Design: Decrease the Opacity of an Element. It took me a minute to understand the instructions but after looking at the code provided for a few minutes, it clicked and I was able to pass the course.
My next course is Applied Visual Design: Use the text-transform Property to Make Text Uppercase. I figured this one out pretty quickly and was able to get the challenge done in less than five minutes.
Difficulty: 2 Time Spent:20 Min Takeaways:
I'm getting ids. classes and variables confused. Anytime there are instructions asking me to do something with these I struggle to remember the difference and I often do the wrong thing. Is there an easy way to remember the difference between them?
I feel like I might finally be ready for a project. I might start the Doggo Photos project this week. I will probably do this on code pen.
What did you learn today? Do you find the coding vocabulary confusing too or is it just me?